EXDST news and Sitecore technical articles
You can easily deploy and try the Sitecore Astro Demo project on Sitecore Demo Portal. The configuration and deployment take less than half an hour!

Sitecore Astro Verticals Demo Website: The Process
We made the open-source Sitecore Astro Demo that could be run on the Sitecore Demo portal. Feel free to try it, and evaluate it for your needs!

Sitecore Astro Verticals Demo Website
We are happy to announce the release of the new Sitecore Demo Website. We took the existing Sitecore Verticals Demo Website on Next.js and re-implemented it on Astro, which took us about two months of work.

Sitecore Media Query Parameters You Did Not Know About!
There are some undocumented query parameters in Sitecore media URLs. They are `ttc` and `tt`. We will figure out what they are and how to handle them.

Anton Tishchenko Recognized as a Sitecore Most Valuable Professional
EXDST is proud to announce that Anton Tishchenko, CTO, has been named a Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in Technology by Sitecore®. Anton is one of only 241 MVPs worldwide recognized for his significant contributions to the Sitecore community

Deploy Astro to XM Cloud
Trying Sitecore Astro JSS was never so easy! We prepared the Github Astro XM Cloud template. You can set up your project in less than 10 minutes!

Angular and XM Cloud
Sitecore recently released a new version of Sitecore JSS. Sitecore added Angular support for XM Cloud with SPA Proxy. Do you want to try it? It is easier than you think!

Sitecore Hackathon 2024: Visual Studio Code for Sitecore
Memories from the Sitecore Hackathon 2024. Our team created a Visual Studio Code extension for Sitecore!

Sitecore Next.js App Router: Part 3, Performance
Setting the correct expectation about performance of Next.js App Router, once it will be adopted by Sitecore JSS.

Sitecore Next.js App Router: Part 2, Server Components
Do you want to use Sitecore Next.js App Router with server components and streaming? It is possible!

Sitecore Next.js App Router: Part 1, “use client”
Are you interested about using Next.js App Router together with Sitecore? This article is for you!

First Look at Sitecore Next.js Metadata Editing Mode
We examine the main JSS feature of the latest release: Metadata editing mode for Next.js. How does it work internally? How will it impact on developers and content managers?

Sitecore Symposium 2024: Sessions Recommendations
Sitecore Symposium 2024 will be as always big event. Do not know what session to attend? Read our recommendations!

Next.js Dynamic Imports for Sitecore
Utilize Next.js Dynamic Imports to make your Sitecore website faster!

Make OpenAI ChatGPT Better!
Do you want to get more from ChatGPT while working with Sitecore? We know how!

Astro + React + Angular together
How to integrate React and Angular in Astro projects together

Universal Editor for Headless CMS: Part 3, Rich Text Editor Selection
What is the best RTE for our needs?

Universal Editor for Headless CMS: Part 2, Layout
Where and how can we save what will be on the site?

Sitecore BuiltWith Statistics: How Hard to Detect Headless Sites?
Learn about the ways to detect if a website is built on Sitecore!

Universal Editor for Headless CMS: Part 1, General Thoughts
Is it possible to have a universal visual editor for headless CMSs?

Migration of Sitecore React Website to Astro
How you can easily add Static Site Generation using Astro to your Sitecore React project.

Sitecore Next.js Netlify Hosting
We continue our journey with Sitecore Headless and different hostings. Today we will talk about Netlify and we will find out how it fits Sitecore Next.js.

The Cheapest Possible Sitecore Next.js Hosting
This article describes how to achieve image optimization during static export

Implementing Sitecore Edit Mode for Nuxt.JS
Wouldn't it be nice to have Sitecore Experience Editor support in your Nuxt website? This article shows you how to implement it

Decrease Size of @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss NPM Package by a Factor of Four
If your site is based on Sitecore and Next.js then this article is for you. It allows you to decrease the size of the client-side JavaScript bundle.

EXDST Anton Tishchenko wins Sitecore Most Valuable Professional award
EXDST is proud to announce that Anton Tishchenko, CTO has been named a Sitecore MVP in the Technology for 2024. Anton Tishchenko was one of only 147 Technology MVPs worldwide to be named a Sitecore MVP this year.

Simplifying the Migration from Vue to Vue + Astro
We made the process of adding Astro to your Vue.js Sitecore website even simpler. Read the article to find out how.

Migration of Sitecore Vue Website to Nuxt
This article describe how to use Nuxt in the Vue.js JSS project

Migration of Sitecore Vue Website to Astro
This article is about how to use the Vue.js integration feature in the Astro web framework for migrating Sitecore Vue.js JSS project to Sitecore Astro JSS

Sitecore and Azure Static Web Apps
Could Azure Static Web Apps be the alternative for Vercel? We tried to find an answer to this question. Results are presented in the article.

Sitecore JSS SDK Deep Dive: Next.js Edit Mode
Have you ever wondered how all editing magic works? This article will explain what is under the hood of Next.js editing mode.

Creating Your First Sitecore Astro Rendering
Working with Astro as a frontend framework is very similar to other web frameworks supported by Sitecore. We will go through the all process of rendering creation.

Starting Your First Sitecore Astro Project
It is very easy to start with Sitecore Astro JSS SDK. We will go through the all process of project initialization.

Migration of Sitecore React JSS App to Next.js
The following steps will help you fast and easy migrate you Sitecore JSS application from React to Next.js framework witch make you project more performed faster and optimized

Sitecore XM Cloud and Astro Web Framework
Sitecore XM Cloud is a new Sitecore offering. The most popular web framework for Sitecore XM Cloud is Next.js. But you can use any other framework. And we have already implemented it for Astro!

Sitecore Statistics: December 2023
What to know more which Sitecore version do clients use? Or what web frameworks are popular? Or what are current trends? Then this article is for you.

How to Analyze Your Sitecore Next.js Bundle
Delve into the intricacies of optimizing Next.js bundles within the Sitecore JSS ecosystem using Webpack and the @next/bundle-analyzer tool.

Interactive Angular Islands with Sitecore and Astro
You can use Angular for interactive islands with Sitecore Astro. See, how easy it is.

Interactive Vue Islands with Sitecore and Astro
You can turn your existing Sitecore JSS Vue website into the SSG website using Astro. See, how easy it is.

Interactive React Islands with Sitecore and Astro
Static or dynamic Sitecore website? You don’t longer need to choose with Astro JSS SDK for Sitecore! See, how easy you can use React together with Astro.

Sitecore Composable Components 101
Check if your Sitecore frontend implementation is really composable. And if it is not, then learn how to make it composable.

Sitecore JavaScript Software Development Kit for Astro
We are happy to announce the first public version of Sitecore JSS SDK for Astro!

Sitecore Statistics: October 2023 Edition
What to know more which Sitecore version do clients use? Or what web frameworks are popular? Or what are current trends? Then this article is for you.

Sitecore JSS SDK Deep Dive: Component Factory
Component Factory: what is it and why do we need it?

Two Key Things Frontend Developers Need to Know Before Starting with Sitecore
Send this to your frontend developer, who will work on Sitecore project without Sitecore experience.

How to Build Your Own Framework Implementation for Sitecore JSS?
It is not that hard as you might think. You will need: components factory, placeholder, fields, and editing API. Other parts you will be able to reuse from Sitecore JavaScript Rendering SDK.

Sitecore Headless Tips: Carefully Use Conditional Rendering
Advanced techniques for conditional rendering to make them fully compatible with Sitecore Experience Editor

host.docker.internal for Sitecore Rendering Host
Using host.docker.internal to access local services from Sitecore containers.

Access Local Node Server from Sitecore Container Using ngrok
This article describes how to build a bridge between Sitecore container and local Node server using ngrok.

Sitecore Hackathon 2023: Process and Technical Explanation
EXDST team process of creation the winning solution on Sitecore Hackathon 2023 in Best Enhancement to SXA Headless category. From the idea to implementation.

The Ererenderingdering Team Wins Sitecore Hackathon 2023
EXDST developer team wins Sitecore Hackathon 2023 in the category Best enhancement to SXA Headless. Team created module for using JSX inside Sitecore SXA rendering variants.

EXDST Anton Tishchenko wins Sitecore Most Valuable Professional 2023 award
EXDST is proud to announce that Anton Tishchenko, one of our team members, has been named a Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in Technology by Sitecore. As a Sitecore MVP, Anton brings a wealth of expertise and deep understanding of the platform to EXDST and our clients. This recognition highlights our commitment to delivering innovative and cutting-edge Sitecore solutions, and we are confident that Anton contributions will continue to drive our success and help our clients achieve their digital transformation goals.

New Relic Monitoring for Sitecore Docker Environment
Health monitoring of the containerized distributed environments is important. It could be done with New Relic service. Wanna know how?

Traefik Dashboard and Access Logs in Sitecore Docker Configuration
You can get more from Traefik in your Sitecore Docker configuration. We will review Dashboard and configure access logs.

Sitecore Search: Difference between “Where” and “Filter”?
Do you know when to use “Where” and when to use “Filter” in Sitecore Solr search? Let’s figure it out.

Sitecore Processors and Dependency Injection
All Sitecore processors have Singleton lifetime. Let’s figure out how to use another lifetime for your dependencies.

Validate Your Sitecore Serialization Using Pre-commit Git Hook
Usage of git hooks together with Sitecore serialization CLI will make you confident that you will never accidentally break items serialization and block other developers.

Covering Sitecore Dianoga Module with Integration Tests
Being confident in your code changes is an important thing in software development, especially when your code is used in many different projects in many different ways. We will improve confidence in code Dianoga changes by covering them with integration tests.

Using Sitecore Dianoga Asset Image in Containerized Environment
Step by step guide how to start using Sitecore Dianoga Asset Image in containerized environment.

Building Sitecore Dianoga Docker Asset Image Using GitHub Actions
GitHub Actions provides ability to run build scripts for your CI/CD pipeline. We can use them to build our Sitecore Dianoga Docker Asset Image. And then publish it to the Docker Hub registry.

Use Font Awesome or MUI as Sitecore Icons
Are you tired of all Sitecore backeds looking the same? Refresh your Sitecore backend with modern and shiny Font Awesome icons or Material UI icons!

Dianoga Docker Asset Image
A step-by-step description of how to build a Sitecore Docker asset image. We will go through the all process from selecting the build image and building the project to copying everything that we need to the base image.

Sitecore Docker Asset Images
There are many articles and quite a significant amount of documentation about Sitecore Docker Asset images. And there are discussed the complex things. But I haven’t seen a basic explanation, of what it is and what it is not. Let’s reveal the magic!

Advanced Troubleshooting Sitecore Docker Containers
Do you have difficulties in troubleshooting Sitecore Docker containers? Read, how to view Windows Event Logs from your container similar to your local computer.

EXDST Anton Tishchenko wins Sitecore Most Valuable Professional 2022 award
Anton Tishchenko, has been named fourth time in a row a Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in the Technology category by Sitecore® the global leader in digital experience management software.

Sitecore SXA 10.2 Improvements: CSS and JS Source Maps
The easy way of using cascade stylesheet and javascript source map files with Sitecore Experience Accelerator starting from 10.2.

Sitecore Solr Proxy Console: Update to Sitecore 10 Version
Your Sitecore Solr Admin Console could be in the one click on Sitecore CM instance when you install this module

Be Careful with BlobID Value During Update of YML Files
Do not forget to update BlobId, when update Value in your YML files

Sitecore SXA: Turning on CSS Source Map Files
The ultimate guide how to use cascade stylesheet source map files with Sitecore Experience Accelerator.

Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) Site Structure Decision Helper
The one more interctive test in our website section: "Choice". New test will help you to choose proper strucutre for you new Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) multisite project.

New Section of EXDST Website
We are glad to introduce a new section of our website: "Choice". It will contain interactive tests, which will help you make the right decision while working with Sitecore. And the first test is Sitecore SXA Component Decision Helper.

Sitecore SXA CI/CD Improvements
Are you tired of fixing conflicts in the serialized SXA theme files? You can avoid it by small improvement of your CI/CD pipeline.

Sitecore TinyMCE: New Life
Small story of taking existing integration of TinyMCE with Sitecore and bringing it to a new level.

Sitecore SXA CLI: Theme Setup Error
Even if you follow all steps in official Sitecore SXA CLI documentation, you can face with edge cases. One of them is described here.

Sitecore Hackathon 2021: Grid Editor
Have you ever get bored of editing multiple Sitecore items? Bulk editing of items can solve this issue.

Sitecore Hackathon 2021: Visualization of Presentation Details
The complexity of layout details on page items grows through time. But there is still a way how to display list of all renderings in human-friendly view.

Sitecore Hackathon 2021
2 teams from EXDST participated in Sitecore Hackaton 2021. Teams created modules for enchancement of visuzlization of item presentation and for bulk editing of Sitecore items.

Understanding XML in Sitecore Renderings Field
Have you ever turned on "View Raw Values" and looked into __renderings field? And wonder what do all these values mean? This article provides complete explanation of the internal structure of renderings field.

EXDST’s Anton Tishchenko Named Sitecore Most Valuable Professional
Anton Tishchenko, has been named a 2021 Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in the Technology category by Sitecore® the global leader in digital experience management software. Anton is being honored among only 170 Technology worldwide in the program’s 15th year.

Is There Still a Place for Dianoga on Your Sitecore Website in 2021?
Optimization of images is very important for your site speed. But what is better: optimize your Sitecore images by yourself or delegete this function to CDN?

Using ngrok with Sitecore
Do you want to share your local Sitecore instance with you remote colleague or customer? We will explain how to do it in 15 minutes!