Sitecore Hackathon 2021: Grid Editor

This year 2 teams from EXDST participated in Sitecore Hackathon 2021. This post will describe module implementation of Ererenderingdering team.
Team worked in a category "The best enhancement to the Sitecore Admin (XP) for Content Editors & Marketers".
One of the most boring tasks for content editors in Sitecore is editing multiple items. When you need to make small changes on a bunch of items: switch to the next item, wait while it is loading, find a field, make changes, save the item, switch to the next item. The goal was to speed up this process.
The team implemented a table editor view for folders. To get this additional view, you need to add the "Grid" editor to the standard values of any folder template.
After applying it, you will get an additional tab on each item inherited from this folder template.
With Grid Editor for Sitecore you are able to edit many items on the same screen. Grid Editor will define the type of items saved in a folder and display items in a table view. You can easily navigate through the grid using search and sorting abilities. You can edit and delete from the same view. It is extremely convenient when you have many items and need to make changes to them.