Sitecore Statistics: March 2024

Three months passed since previous Sitecore statistics review. Let’s check what had changed and current trends.
Next.js continue to dominate as approach to build Sitecore sites! It achieved impressive 69% of the JSS market on the March 2024. The last three months it has grown for the account of Vue and Angular frameworks.
And according to the trend, it will continue to grow!
Next.js JSS NPM package exceeded 100k installations in a month! That is impressive result. This amount of installation includes installations on development machines and installations for different environments during CI/CD. But still, the result is amazing!
There was some suspicious spike in Angular statistics back in February 2024. We can’t explain this, we can assume only that there were some internal Sitecore development/testing around Angular.
Amount of JSS usage for Sitecore 10.3 almost doubled! The interesting thing is that major part of sites upgraded to 10.3 are sites on Sitecore 10.2. It means that is much easier to persuade client to upgrade Sitecore, who uses not old version. It is related to the effort and cost of Sitecore upgrade.
Sitecore SXA versions statistics is better than statistics for JSS. Almost all active development of Sitecore websites based on SXA happens on Sitecore 10.3. Only 10% uses version lower than 10.3.
I hope you enjoyed Sitecore Statistics review March 2024 edition with my subjective comments. You can always get latests statistics on this page. If you have any idea, what additional information can we add, feel free to contact us with your ideas.